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Bobby McMillin brings experience in public policy, legislative process, and oversight as both a former congressional staffer and in-house government affairs representative for a global life sciences company. He previously served as General Counsel for the Senate Health, Education, Labor, & Pensions (HELP) Committee under Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-TN), where he provided counsel on the full committee's legislative drafting and regulatory oversight portfolio, particularly in the areas of intellectual property, competition and transparency in healthcare, drug scheduling, privacy, Health IT and cybersecurity, and other legal matters within the committee's jurisdiction.

Bobby also acted as the principal staffer for committee process, rules, and precedents. As General Counsel, he played a leading role in the HELP Committee's work reporting nominees and bipartisan legislation under both the Obama and Trump administrations. He negotiated agreements with the House, White House, Congressional leadership, other committees, and member offices to advance bills and nominees before the Senate, including the management of House-Senate Conference Committees on major education and opioids legislation.

Previously, Bobby was Counsel for Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA), where his portfolio included health, education, judiciary, and commerce responsibilities. He also served as the Iowa Coalitions Director for the Romney 2012 presidential campaign.

After leaving public service, Bobby was the first D.C. government affairs professional for the world's leading genomics company. During the COVID-19 crisis, he coordinated with other healthcare companies, patient groups, and trade associations to secure billions in funding for diagnostic testing, genomic sequencing, analytics, and disease surveillance. He also executed a legislative advocacy plan with the rare disease community focused on increasing access and funding for diagnostics for children on Medicaid suspected to have a genetic disease.


National Institute for Lobbying and Ethics
‘Top Lobbyists’ (2022)



  • J.D., University of Georgia School of Law, 2011
  • B.A., Journalism and History, University of Georgia, 2007, cum laude


  • District of Columbia
  • Georgia