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IP/Technology: Year in Review and Trends for 2012

January 26, 2012
LA Office and via Webinar
777 South Figueroa Street 44th Floor
Los Angeles, California

2011 saw important developments in intellectual property and technology law, but what do these changes mean for 2012 and beyond? Please join us as we review developments of the past year and look toward trends for the future.
Join our Los Angeles and San Francisco intellectual property lawyers as they discuss a variety of IP-related topics.

James Blackburn, a partner in Arnold & Porter LLP's Los Angeles office, will discuss recent developments in patent law, including the America Invents Act and its aftermath, continuing trends in damages law post-Uniloc, patent exhaustion after Tessera, and the divided infringement defense.

Tricia Cross, an associate in Arnold & Porter LLP's Los Angeles office, will discuss recent trademark developments, including possible expansion of the functionality doctrine, clarification of the standard for infringement in Internet cases, applicability of the Anti-cybersquatting Protection Act, and important issues for trademark owners related to new generic top level domains.

James DiBoise, a partner in Arnold & Porter LLP's San Francisco office, will discuss recent trade secret litigation developments, including a recent decision by the Federal Circuit affirming that the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) has jurisdiction to ban importation of products to the United States based on unfair practices involving foreign misappropriation of trade secrets.

John Ulin, a partner in Arnold & Porter LLP's Los Angeles office, will review developments in copyright law during 2011, including recent decisions on secondary liability and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act's safe harbor provisions, limitations on statutory damages, and legislative and other non-litigation efforts to address online piracy while respecting the interests of legitimate Internet and technology companies.


Meet the Speakers

James S. Blackburn
Arnold & Porter