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And So It Flows: A Fireside Chat with James Castro-Edwards on Data Transfers in Europe and Beyond

September 22, 2022
Arnold & Porter Webinar

London privacy counsel James Castro-Edwards and moderator Jami Vibbert conversed casually about the UK regime, its proposed revisions, and the implications on US and European businesses. Attendees had a chance to ask questions during this chat.

International data transfers are essential to the daily business operations of global organizations. The EU's GDPR has been the gold standard by which other countries' privacy laws are established and compared. After the UK withdrew from the EU, it retained a UK-specific version of the GDPR, which largely mirrored the EU version. But changes are coming: the recently introduced UK Data Protection and Digital Information Bill proposes to make the UK regime look very different, potentially disrupting the streamlined data flows between the UK and the EU.

Mr. Castro-Edwards has recently authored the book, UK General Data Protection Regulation: A Guide to the Law. He will discuss what changes may be coming under the new bill.

Meet the Speakers

James Castro-Edwards
Arnold & Porter
Jami Vibbert
Arnold & Porter