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New EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework: How Should Businesses React?

July 12, 2023

Jami Vibbert, chair of the Privacy, Cybersecurity & Data Strategy group, was featured in the Law360 story, "EU-US Data Transfer Deal Finalized, But Will It Stick Around?" The article discusses the newly approved EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework, intended to streamline and secure the transatlantic flow of personal data in compliance with the GDPR. However, this is the third attempt to establish such a framework.

Vibbert discussed that the new framework brings opportunities and uncertainties, with concerns about the previous transfer framework invalidations. Still, she advised that certain companies should consider certifying under the new framework, which — even if eventually struck down — could lessen their contractual and compliance burdens and possibly endure future legal challenges owing to its stronger enforcement mechanisms for EU citizens and a more defined scope of U.S. surveillance activities.

»Read the full article (subscription required).