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Schildkraut Talks AI Executive Order in Legaltech News

November 21, 2023

Peter Schildkraut, co-leader of the Technology, Media & Telecommunications industry team, was quoted in the Legaltech News article, "White House's AI Executive Order Opens the Door Wide to New Rules, Enforcement Actions.” The article discusses the Biden Administration’s new executive order on the “Safe, Secure and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence,” which takes a different approach to mitigating AI-induced risks and tasks both Congress and the executive branch with passing new legislation, developing new standards and safeguards, and issuing new requirements.

Schildkraut told Legaltech News that the executive order is “long on the government leading by example, encouragement and capacity building, and short on new legal obligations for businesses.” He added that those obligations “will mostly come from the new statutes and regulations for which the White House has called,” and that the order’s support of agencies and regulators’ efforts in their various sectors reflects that the Administration has “really thought through a comprehensive set of dimensions that they really need to consider for an AI policy.”

Read the full article (subscription required).