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Anthony Raglani represents bank and nonbank financial institutions on regulatory and transactional matters before federal and state banking agencies and financial regulators, including the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the New York Department of Financial Services, the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation, and other state banking and financial services regulatory agencies.

Anthony regularly counsels clients on regulatory compliance matters in a wide range of areas, including consumer financial protection, mortgage, consumer and automobile lending and servicing, fair lending, regulatory capital, Bank Secrecy Act and anti-money laundering laws and regulations, Volcker Rule compliance, and licensing and corporate structuring. Anthony also assists clients with strategic and regulatory considerations relating to transactional matters, including mergers and acquisitions and equity investments involving banks and other financial institutions, FinTech companies, special purpose lending and investment entities and other specialized financial services platforms and service providers.

Anthony also advises financial institutions and commercial firms on data security and privacy matters, including issues arising under state cybersecurity and data breach notification laws, Title V of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, and the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

Prior to joining the firm, Anthony worked for a trade association based in Washington, D.C., where he was responsible for federal legislative relations and policy analysis on financial services and insurance matters.


  • Large automobile finance company, before the CFPB, in settling allegations of UDAAP and FCRA violations relating to indirect automobile financing and servicing activities.  
  • Federal savings association, before the OCC and DOJ, in investigations relating to mortgage loan and bank fraud. 
  • Midsize national bank, before the DOJ, in an investigation of alleged violations of the fair lending laws. 
  • National trust bank, before the OCC, regarding its formation and de novo charter.
  • Mortgage servicer, before the CFPB, in settling an allegation of violations of the CFPB's mortgage servicing regulations.
  • Large asset manager in advocating for amendments to SEC regulations governing money market mutual funds (MMFs) and modifications to NAIC standards regarding insurers' treatment of MMFs for accounting purposes.
  • Large, diversified foreign banking organization, regarding compliance with U.S. law and CFTC and SEC regulations governing swaps market intermediaries. 
  • Large nonbank financial institution, before the DOJ, SEC and FDIC, in an investigation of alleged violations of securities laws.



  • J.D., The George Washington University Law School, 2014
  • B.B.A., The George Washington University, 2008


  • District of Columbia
  • Maryland


  • Member, American Bar Association, Business Law Section
  • Member, American Bar Association, Banking Law Committee
  • Member, Bankers' Association for Finance and Trade