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Reading Behind the Subprime Headlines: Anticipating How Your Clients Will Be Affected

November 5, 2007

Why Attend?

The anticipated ripple effect of delinquencies & defaults in subprime & alternative loan products is significantly affecting markets & credit pools. What are the strands of the crises most likely to affect your practice? What litigation has been filed? What defaults are likely?  What credit pools are likely to dry up?

Join two well known authorities on the Subprime Crises for just 60 minutes in the convenience of your own office. Financial Times journalist Saskia Scholtes and nationally known litigator Veronica Rendon will review the early defaults & litigation, problems in asset valuation, & the forecast for credit liquidity.They will explain the setting & the likely consequences for lawyers across America. 

1. How We Got Here & the Implication for American Lawyers
2. The Regulatory Landscape:  Current & Expected Federal Regulation, Oversight & Intervention
3. The Outlook: Expected Lawsuits, Further Enforcement Activity, Strategies & Defenses

Take this convenient opportunity to ask two national experts your questions during this interactive audio webcast, which can be heard via phone or computer.

Scope and Purpose:

This brief one-hour audio seminar is designed for lawyers who want to better understand the multiple strands of the subprime crises and its fall-out. Read behind the headlines and learn how lawyers & their clients are likely to be affected? Who is bringing suit, & for what claims? What will happen as the credit pools lose liquidity?  What questions are clients likely to ask? Where is the legal work likely to be?


Veronica Rendón is a partner in the securities enforcement and litigation practice group at Arnold & Porter LLP. Ms. Rendón specializes in commercial litigation with a focus on securities, professional liability, and financial transactions. Ms. Rendón has a broad base of experience in complex civil litigation, including defending class action litigations, accountant and auditor liability matters, and fraud and breach of fiduciary duty actions. Ms. Rendón has also defended significant investigations conducted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Department of Justice, and other federal agencies, as well as the New York Attorney General's office. Drawing from her insight and experience in the litigation and enforcement arenas, Ms. Rendón regularly lectures at professional conferences on issues facing the securities industries and the financial markets.

Ms. Rendón has extensive experience litigating subprime credit issues in the context of asset backed securitizations, including defending against fraud and negligence allegations related to the valuation of underlying collateral, and associated financial disclosures provided to investors. She lectures widely on the Subprime Crises.

Saskia Scholtes is a Capital Markets Reporter at the Financial Times. She has written extensively on how issues in the subprime meltdown has greatly affected the capital markets and investors. Notably, Ms. Scholtes recently published an article entitled, "As Subprime Bites, US Investigators Look For Culprits," which explores potential fraud by borrowers in the lending process, and other contributing factors that led to the subprime crises. Ms. Scholtes recently discussed her article on the "Morning Edition" program of the National Public Radio. Ms. Scholtes will provide unique insight based on her coverage of this subject matter into where we are now, and how we got there.

Meet the Speakers

Veronica E. Callahan
Arnold & Porter