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The Arnold & Porter eComp KnowHow Series: Competition Compliance Auditing Webinar

March 21, 2012
Via Webinar
Compliance and auditing techniques are becoming ever more sophisticated, as the geographic scope of competition law spreads, fines are more punitive, and criminal sanctions more realistic.  It is essential to establish, embed and test effective, proactive, compliance and audit protocols to reduce risk exposure. This webinar will focus on compliance and audit techniques that can be applied in stand-alone national operations as well as in multi-layered international group structures with many national affiliates or function-based divisions.
Everything an in-house counsel should know about competition compliance auditing including:
• Reasons to audit compliance,
• Dealing with issues on audit scope,
• Running the audit,
• Managing outcomes
• Compliance training and safeguards
Tim Frazer, Axel Gutermuth

Meet the Speakers

Axel Gutermuth
Arnold & Porter