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Raising Red Flags: Addressing Claims of Corruption in Arbitration

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Arnold & Porter
601 Massachusetts Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20001

Arnold & Porter Presentation
By Katelyn A. Horne Lucinda Law Dr. Aloysius Llamzon

Allegations of corruption and related misconduct are becoming increasingly common in international arbitrations. However, these claims present unique challenges, including differences between domestic and international legal frameworks and difficulties in obtaining and presenting evidence. This panel discussion will address the complexities of dealing with allegations of corruption and misconduct in international arbitration.

Join the Washington Foreign Law Society (WFLS) for an engaging conversation with panelists Lucinda Low (LKDR) and Aloysius Llamzon (King & Spalding), moderated by Katelyn Horne (Arnold & Porter).

Please register by clicking RSVP. Note that this event will also be hybrid — a Zoom link will be provided to all virtual registrants prior to the program.

Meet the Speakers

Lucinda Law
Low & Kinnear Dispute Resolution
Dr. Aloysius Llamzon
King & Spalding
Katelyn A. Horne
Senior Associate
Arnold & Porter