Boston Featured in Federal Bar Council Quarterly on Role as President of the New York City Bar
Litigation partner Sheila S. Boston was featured in a recent article from the Federal Bar Council Quarterly about her extensive history as an advocate of diversity and inclusion within the legal profession. The article also details her plans as the newly installed president of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York.
Ms. Boston, who was sworn in as president on May 19, 2020, is the first woman of color to serve as the organization's president. In her acceptance speech, Ms. Boston outlined six initiatives for her tenure as president: COIVD-19 recovery; mental health and wellness; access to justice; diversity and inclusion; criminal justice reform; and protection of the rule of law. In her conversation with the Federal Bar Council Quarterly, Ms. Boston discussed the dual pandemics of both COVID-19 and racism in the US and the impact on the legal profession.
Ms. Boston was also profiled by her alma mater, Columbia Law School, in an Alumni Spotlight about her plans for the City Bar. "As a leader in the community, how could the City Bar not try to educate people, share information, and bring people together to discuss and adopt policies to contribute to our recovery?" she says, reflecting on her new role.