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Gleklen Elected ABA Antitrust Law Section Chair

August 9, 2021

Partner Jonathan Gleklen, who serves as Chair of Arnold & Porter’s US Antitrust/Competition practice, was elected to serve a one-year term as Chair of the American Bar Association’s Antitrust Law Section on August 6, 2021.

“I am honored to serve as the Chair of the ABA Antitrust Section, and deeply appreciative of Arnold & Porter’s support for me and other firm lawyers who serve in bar association leadership roles,” said Gleklen. “There has never been a greater focus on antitrust, consumer protection, and data privacy issues, and I’m proud to lead the work of more than 500 members of the Antitrust Section’s leadership and the 9,000 lawyer, law student, and economist members of the Section in the US and abroad as they advance the debate and understanding of these critical issues.” 

The ABA Antitrust Law Section is the leading professional organization for antitrust and competition law, trade regulation, consumer protection, and economics. Gleklen, who recently served as the Section’s Chair-Elect, has also previously served as the Section's Vice Chair, Committee Officer, Publications Officer, and International Officer, as well as the Editorial Chair of the Section’s Antitrust Law Developments treatise and of the Antitrust Law Journal.

Gleklen’s practice focuses on antitrust issues affecting clients in high technology and network industries, including government merger review and investigations of alleged anticompetitive conduct, civil litigation, and counseling. He regularly represents clients before the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice, the Federal Trade Commission, and state attorneys general.