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May 3, 2016

Anti-Corruption Compliance in Emerging Markets: A Resource Guide

Arnold & Porter Resource Guide

Multinational companies have increasingly looked to emerging markets for new business opportunities and continued growth. In many instances, these markets present opportunities for companies to increase revenues and enhance their competitive positions. Yet conducting business in many of these markets presents significant challenges that may include developing, but still inadequate, infrastructure; political uncertainty; underdeveloped rule of law; currency fluctuation; and the need for short-term capital in the hope of realizing long term return on investment. Compounding these challenges is the reality that many emerging markets present serious corruption risks. Endemic corruption in many of these markets increases potential legal liability, creates an unlevel playing field, diverts resources, and often perpetuates deeply entrenched economic inefficiency.

Arnold & Porter has created a Resource Guide to assist in successfully navigating the corruption challenges presented by the operating environments found in emerging markets. It provides a framework to mitigate corruption risks by using programs, controls, and tools that meet common international standards and the expectations of governments worldwide. It also provides a framework for companies with anti-corruption programs in place to assess existing programs and facilitate modifications in response to evolving risks.

Chapter 1 is available here. You can request the full Guide by emailing our team at