Banking & Finance Biweekly Update: ESG for Financial Institutions
February 19, 2021
Coronavirus: Financial Services Webinar
Our biweekly updates, which began in May 2020 spotlighting CARES Act Title IV emergency financing facilities and related Federal Reserve Act Section 13(3) programs, continue in the new year notable for a new federal administration. Please join us for these timely, expanded-topic sessions focused on current developments affecting financial institutions and the forces—legislative, regulatory, economic, and technological—shaping them.
- Introduction to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Corporate Frameworks
- Anticipated ESG Trends under the Biden Administration and Democratic Majorities in Congress
- Bank Regulators' Perspectives on ESG
- Climate Change and Risk Management Social Justice; Community Reinvestment Act; and Board, Senior Management, and Staff Diversity
- ESG Impacts on Banks' Own Operations and on their Corporate Clientele
- Governance: the Role of Bank Boards and Institutional Investors on ESG Issues
- ESG Disclosures to Bank Shareholders, Clients, and Other Stakeholders