Culhane, Freeman Discuss Dodd-Frank's Impact on Private Funds Industry in Private Equity Law Report
Corporate & Finance partner Stephen Culhane and Financial Services partner David Freeman, Jr. were quoted in a recent article series by Private Equity Law Report. The two-part Q&A discusses the history behind the Dodd-Frank Act, how US and non-US funds responded to the regulations it imposed, SEC enforcement efforts, and the impact Dodd-Frank has had on the private funds industry.
Culhane is co-head of the firm's Investment Management practice, while Freeman is head of the firm's Financial Services practice.
» Read the full article, "A Decade of Dodd Frank: Why and How the Regulations Brought Private Funds Into Compliance (Part One of Two)" (subscription required).
» Read the full article, "A Decade of Dodd Frank: Why and How the Regulations Brought Private Funds Into Compliance (Part Two of Two)" (subscription required).