Cannabis/Wellness Products
Our cross-functional team advises clients globally on the legality, risks, and compliance requirements for individuals or businesses considering entering the emerging cannabis industry. Given the unique legal and regulatory challenges in this evolving industry, the differences in legality of hemp and marijuana, as well as the variety of approaches from country to country — and even within certain countries — clients that want to engage directly or indirectly in the cannabis industry are best served by advisors with knowledge of the rapidly changing laws. With a strong presence on three continents, we also have relationships with counsel in countries around the globe to advise on cannabis regulatory regimes outside the U.S. and Europe. Our multidisciplinary regulatory, litigation, and transactional team understands the industry and its legal issues across all geographies and issues.
Regulatory and Compliance: Advisors for all cannabis prohibitions and regulations by U.S./European agencies and state and local agencies, especially in the food/drug/cosmetic and banking and insurance sectors.
Complex Transactions: Business-savvy counsel on mergers, acquisitions, and investments in domestic and foreign cannabis operations where they are legal, as well as on corporate structure and governance.
Litigation: Recognized domestic and international multi-forum defense for clients accused of noncompliance, whether by federal, state, or local prosecutors or regulators, or private plaintiff's attorneys.
Intellectual Property: Protecting important assets across all phases of product development and marketing (patents, copyrights, trademarks, rights of publicity, and trade secrets, including patentability of cannabis plants, natural products, and extract formulations).
Chemical Policies: Design and develop policy and guidance pertinent to the pesticides, fungicides, and antimicrobials used in the cultivation of cannabis crops.
Legislation: Counsel on emerging laws and lobbying for appropriate regulatory and legislative changes for cannabis and cannabis products such as CBD products.
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